Tag Archives: drink

Day 28: Meet the Cast

Antigua looks like a ghost town the day after Easter. It’s clear that the celebration is over and life has resumed… immediately.

It’s tranquil for the first time and I kind of like it. That is until I realize that my favorite little ice cream shop is closed (Exotic Helados 1 pint Q20/$2.5, closed Monday).

I decide to have a drink but the cute little wine shop under the Arc is under construction so I head over to Reilly’s Irish Pub.

It’s dead there. The bartender is hung over but he tries his best to entertain me. His name is Greg and he’s from Cleveland, Ohio. He recommends I try a Cabro Extra (made in Guatemala). It’s fantastic. I’m not sure why Gallo is so popular.

He tells me about a place next door called Black Cat.

Upon entering, there are several tables and a small bar. Through an opening beside the bar is a cute courtyard surrounded by several rooms (shares Q65/$8.20, private Q165/$20.75).

The drink specials are ridiculous (Victoria or Brahva Extra Q10/$1.25, happy hour features Q25/$3.20 liters).

Meet The Cast:

Germany is a cute girl traveling through South America on her own pace. She balances her sweet smile with a nose ring and platinum blonde streaks that frame her heart-shaped face. Her next destination is Tikal followed by Belize.

Belgium is the bartender who recently relocated to La Antigua. He’s young at heart and displays that with his tame Mohawk. He gets me to try a shot of the local hooch (Quezalteca Especial) and is surprised when I tell him I don’t think it’s that strong.

Philippines by way of San Francisco is as randy as they come. His Spanish is limited to every bad, disgusting or foul word in the dictionary. Today is the first day of a month-long stent and (after a couple of beers) he’s training to bartend.

New Zealand is nice but a little awkward. He’s seems uncomfortable as he sits rather quietly and sips his beer. He’s tall with a long slender face and likely the youngest next to Germany.

Australia (or at least she sounds Australian) is young, pretty, and slender but curvy where it counts. She sports a form-fitting top and all eyes are on her.

Toledo Ohio is as sweet as they come… typical mid-westerner. He’s studying Spanish with Australia and accompanies her likely to make sure that no one takes her. He shares his life story and travel experiences with me and manages to hold my complete attention even after three drinks and a shot.

Rhode Island is the assistant manager who keeps everyone under a very gentle thumb. She has no problems letting her hair down and having fun and expects everyone to do the same. She works with children and is returning home to work for a bit to earn money before she goes back to school to get her Masters.

We are all around the same age. We have all experienced the same drama of trying to find work after experiencing hardship and we are all trying to decide what to do next. However here it’s easy to laugh, smile and enjoy life.